last night 8.00pm we stanby wanna go danga bay
but wait my friend,then mai late jor lorh
until 10pm just start *open car*haha
sundenly my mummy call me
say EDEN there so many ppl
call me go there coundown
but some ppl dun wan go EDEN
they wan go danga bay
bo bian lur..just we 1 car go EDEN
when we reach jor like no parking that
so hard find @@
wahoo..got singgapore idol come EDEN here
yao wen long and 1 forget what name
but he leng zai lah~xD
we want take pic with him de
but like cant that,so mou take dou T__T
after that my mummy come find me
she bring we in cabana
cabana sibeh many ppl= =
hot dou sei tim
but abit boring lur
because my friend just stand at there only
call them dance dun wan ><
then just me dance only,but olso no place let me dance
finaly 12am jor!!yeah!!
we just at cabana inside see the fireworks
but see dou abit only= =
nvm lah..fireworks always so leng de =)
agak 1am++ vison reach jor
olso hard find him
because too many ppl liar
call dou my handfon kredit olso bo liao xD
haha..after help him find dou place
i go eat with my friend lur..we all so hungry
vison always call me back there,haha xD
walao eh~at parking there olso sudah zam jor
car olso tak boleh jalan r = =
wait jor long time in car park
sibeh sienzzZZZ
agak 30minit that finaly out jor
lucky not so zam lah..haha
in car we open window then do................
say happy new year to everybody!!xD
haha..so funny !
1st we go DA FENG find kelly them
then we go eat AHBIAO WANTANMEE
so many ppl= = olso wait jor long time
after eat we all go back lur..
4.30am i reach home
i sleep 6.00am
wake up 7.30am
tudai QUAN call me out
say now come fetch me= =
kao..sibeh tired lur..
i just change baju out lorh
mai go his house 1st lur..
help him clean his house= =
sibeh dirty r..>< like ghost house!xD
when we wanna go eat,rain jor= =
his house open air cond so cool lur + rian ><
agak 3pm gam we out
i try drive quan motor but............
bump his house door~xD haha...